Outcall Massage in London
Not all clients at Aphrodite London Tantric want to use our incall massage service and that is the reason that our new outcall massage service in London has become so popular with many clients. We do have various incall massage locations that our clients can use in Central London. But for some, this is not always the most convenient and pleasurable way of meeting and receiving tantric massage therapy from one of our highly skilled tantric masseuses.
Outcall Tantric massage – Incall Tantric massage – Differences
The essential difference between an outcall massage and other massages is that the therapist goes to the client’s location instead of the client going to the therapist. Our highly trained sensual masseuses will make a spa out of your hotel room. We can transform any space into a relaxing, soothing environment that allows for ultimate pleasure-without any interruptions or unwanted distractions.
Like any massage, it is important to communicate to the therapist what type of service you especially require and if there are any particular areas or parts of the body that are causing you discomfort or pain they will be sure to focus on alleviating those muscular issues leaving you utterly satisfied and refreshed.
If you have a look at our gallery of masseuses, you will find that they all offer outcall massage services. A great number of our clients do not live in London and are either on holiday or perhaps just passing through the area on business and therefore a hotel outcall massage would be more preferable for some.
Choose the best Type of Massage for you
Tantric massage - This ancient massage technique allowing the entire mind, body, and spirit through breathing techniques to realize profound and transcendent restoration and regeneration. It’s true! Your body recreates and heals itself as waves of pleasurable release fill your senses and transport you to an otherworldly and divine sense of freedom and security. Tantric massage is a pleasure for the soul, a nourishing treat that will leave you feeling safe and happy.
Erotic Massage - Using caressing motions, the breath and subtle touches on erogenous zones this type of massage lightly plays along the nerves and senses of the person being massaged, making them feel good. Because it is erotic, it builds sexual energy but it also emphasizes on the intimate emotional bond, helping to involve the heart, mind and spirit.
Sensual Massage - Sensual massage relieves stress because it opens a path of communication between two people. Working on your partner helps them to feel soothed and relaxed, and will reduce the tension between the two of you. This kind of therapy is practiced in many countries, for different reasons. Some of them are: relaxing after a hard day at work, increasing orgasmic experiences and discovering different levels of ecstasy.
Nuru Massage - The Nuru Massage is a Japanese therapy, that refers to a body to body massage, performed between a man and a woman, with a gel solution which is called Nuru gel, a very slippery gel originated from Nori deep water seaweed from Japan. The person who is on top, must slide his or her body, along the body of the person that is laying, to massage the muscles and relieve stress. Often the two roles are switched for a better experience and an improved therapy massage for both partners.
Body to Body Massage – this type of massage offers a real and powerful way to enter into a tantric experience which can trigger a massive flow state exactly when you need it. It does not matter if you have experienced before the magic and sensation of b2b massage or if this is your first time as our highly skilled massage therapists will put you at ease from the minute you meet and will give you a truly enchanting journey of pure bliss.
Mutual Massage – Mutual touching massage is an erotic technique that allows you to give pleasure to your tantric therapist as well, to move your hands and fingers all over her skin, to touch the body of a goddess is the best massage experience ever! Many of our beautiful masseuses will allow you a mutual touch and maybe will teach you a few massage techniques that have been kept a secret until now!
Outcall Massage Services
Although all of our incall massage locations in London are very discreet and private, you really cannot beat an outcall massage for 100% discretion. We also make sure that all of our masseuses are always punctual and will not let you down. It is because of the high level of professionalism offered by Aphrodite London Tantric that we have such a loyal band of clients that use our services regularly.
Our massage therapists can also make sure that the scene is set for your sensual massage session with us which can include nicely scented candles, soothing music, erotic massage oils to replicate how we create a tantric atmosphere at our incall locations. If this sounds good and you would like to book an erotic outcall massage, then please get in touch with our friendly team today who can get your massage booked for you.
This can be done by calling us on 07404 681 945 or you can use our contact form and we will be back in touch very soon! We offer many different outcall massage services. Some of the favorite types of massage that we provide are Tantric massage, Nuru massage, Erotic massage, Sensual massage, 4 Hands Massage, Soapy Massage, Lingam massage, Yoni massage, Mutual massage, and more!