There are many tantric massage agencies in London but Aphrodite London Tantric offers genuine massage experiences. Our London massages are provided by highly skilled massage therapists that offer more than a rushed body rub and a hand relief. We take pride in our ability to satisfy. Since 2012, hundreds of men, women, and couples have enjoyed using our exclusive services.

Sensual massage provides a physically therapeutic massage in addition to the genitals. Yes, you read it right! But the tantric masseuse takes the role of “giver”. You, the client, are the receiver. For one blissful tantric massage session, you will do nothing but receive successive expert intimate touches without any pressure to perform or satisfy anyone other than yourself.

Tantric massage considers the prostate gland the emotional sex center for a man. Prostate massages can be utilized for male sexual stimulation and sexual energy.

With visiting massage our beautiful and tantric masseuse can travel directly to the comfort of your hotel accommodation. This ensures that you are left in a state of maximum comfort as you do not have to leave your own property. We come to you! We can perform a multitude of tantric massage styles in your home because we bring absolutely everything with us. Hot oils, candles, music, are all included in the service. The excellent and most exclusive aspect of the outcall massage experience is they can last whatever length you desire - the tantric masseuse is entirely dedicated to pleasing you with the warmth and dedication of a lover. Best London massages experience!

Body to body massage, Yoni massage, Lingam massage, Nuru massage are all available with a mobile massage feature and the luxury is you don’t have to leave the comfort of your front door.

Unlike other types of massage the tie and tease tantric techniques require both a psychological connection to the massage therapist. She will be in total control of you and your body, this intense relationship between the two people will leave one experiencing a dominated feel which for most men in a new and revealing emotion to feel. Surrendering your power renders you sensitive and open to all manner of tantalizing experiences.

Soapy massage - this ceremony is sacred and crucial to the erotic massage rituals. The idea of a bathing ceremony is that it washes away the illusion that we are anything less than the divine self that we are and the water and immersion within it allow us to fully utilize the recognition that we are wholly and totally divine ourselves.

A mutual massage is an excellent way to explore each other’s naked bodies and heighten tantric techniques. Usually, the best way is having two people sit cross-legged facing each other. It is advised that in the initial stage each individual takes it, in turn, to touch the other person for around 10-15 minutes at a time. The tantric masseuse will have more control in a mutual massage as she controls when the male ejaculates, he can do this only once in the tantric massage session.

The combination of a soft soapy massage with a body to body massage will reduce stress and render you totally satisfied. Have fun once in a while and pamper yourself with whatever brings you happiness. Indulge in guilt-free pleasure by giving the Aphrodite London Tantric Agency in London a call now at 07404681945!


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